Jacket Fitting Guide: Get a perfect fit

what to watch on a motorcycle jacket

  1. Make sure the arms are long enough.
  2. Check that the shoulders give you enough space to move.
  3. Tighten waist and thighs, does it still feel comfortable?
  4. Can you close the wrists and neck.
  5. Check for loose material which can start flapping in the wind.
  6. Is the padding in the right place.
  7. Does it contain the features you need.
  8. Does it look smashing :o)

A few selection pointers. (doesn't apply for every jacket type):
(1) good closers - (2) elbow protection - (3) avoid flapping in the wind - (4) shoulder protection - (5) good neck seal - (6) reflective material - (7) closers at bottom - (8) outer pockets waterproof - (9) waist strap - (10) flap over zippers - (11) strong material / waterproof - (*) back protection - air vents - inner liner -

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